
Where will my ads be placed?

We use Facebook ads for all of our clients, from Fortune 1000 companies to local mom and pop stores.

We do this because, at this moment in time, Facebook ads are the most universally effective and lowest cost ad platform available.

We create 3 types of Facebook ads for our clients. Each ad is meant to target your potential customers based on their online activity, and whether or not they have interacted with your ads in the past. After all, you wouldn't want a stranger seeing the same ad as someone who is considering contacting your company.

The marketing program you select determines:

  1. How many ads we build for you on a quarterly basis.
  2. How much money we can spend to promote your ads on a quarterly basis (approx. 50% - 85% of your fee based on costs to create ads).


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923 Haddonfield Rd Suite 300
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

We are an elite culture of winners that show extreme empathy for our Clients by serving their needs and DOMINATING their competition.