
Click to Learn Why This Marketing System Works Best for You

As you focus on generating quality leads for your products and services across a national market, we’ve evaluated your marketing budget options of $999 and $1,499. Our top recommendation is to start with Facebook Ads. Here’s why this strategy stands out:

Advantages of Facebook Ads for Your Business:

Swift and Significant Outcomes: In the array of marketing channels at our disposal – including radio, SEO, PPC, email marketing, and YouTube – Facebook Ads excel in delivering the quickest and most impactful results. This is particularly crucial for a business like yours that needs to generate quality leads efficiently on a national scale.

Targeted and Broad Reach: Facebook's sophisticated targeting tools enable us to reach a wide yet specific audience across the country. This precision ensures that your ads are viewed by potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your products and services, leading to higher-quality leads.

Optimal Use of Your Budget for High ROI: For your specified budget range, Facebook Ads offer an outstanding return on investment. They allow for an effective use of your budget, converting it into a significant volume of leads, making them a cost-effective choice for your national marketing efforts.

Understanding Your Investment Options:

Option 1 ($999): At this budget level, we can launch a robust Facebook Ads campaign. It’s a solid start for reaching out to your national audience and beginning the process of generating quality leads.

Option 2 ($1,499): The key advantage of Option 2 is that it includes double the ad spend of Option 1. This translates into an extended reach, heightened engagement, and, importantly, a higher volume of quality leads. This increased investment is a strategic move for a more aggressive and comprehensive marketing effort, providing broader impact and more substantial results for a modest increase in your budget.

In conclusion, for your objective of generating quality leads nationally, Facebook Ads are the most strategic and effective choice within your budget. The difference between Option 1 and Option 2 is clear: Option 2 maximizes your potential for lead generation with increased ad spend, offering a greater return on investment and positioning it as a cost-saving and logical strategy for your business.

Facebook Advertising


Strategy: Create customized ad funnels for your business, and target people actively looking for your offerings online, and then retarget them until they become customers.

Facebook Advertising


Strategy: The only difference between Option 1 and Option 2 is the ad spend is nearly double, therefore making the 1,499 Marketing System a more competitive solution for companies looking for faster results.

How Being Our Client Works:

The cost of advertising is included in your fee.

We build all the content, promote all the ads and measure and improve everything.

All services are month-to-month and you may cancel at any time.

Even if you cancel services, everything we've built remains yours.